Right-clicking the air with this knife will nick your finger slightly, draining a heart of health and, if an altar is close enough to you, fill the altar with 200LP. Re-filling the Altar will continue this progress. However, if the particles turn gray it means that the Altar no longer has any Life Essence in its reserves and the item will slowly loose progress that it has built up. When the Altar is working on transmuting an item, it will emit dark red spirals to indicate it is working. To fill the tank with Life Essence initially, though, you will need to make a “Sacrificial Knife.” It is a GUI-less machine with a single internal slot and a tank to hold “Life Essence.” By inserting a correct item into the machine by clicking the altar with it and filling it with the needed Life Essence, the machine will start to transmute the item into another form. The “Blood Altar” is the answer to these arcane prayers. The only way to utilize the player’s Soul Network is to create your very first item, and that will require a bit of sacrifice. This bond between the player and all of its items is referred to as the “Soul Network.” Fear not, though, because if the player has no Essence to drain from it will instead sap it directly from the user’s health (painful for the more powerful items). Because of this special bond, every single item that has a player’s signature will drain their toll from that player on use. There is also one more caveat that must be explored, and that is in the nature of “Blood Pacts.” A Pact is formed when you first use an item, and it bonds the item to the player forever. However, even though the magic does use this “Life Essence,” it does not mean that every action used with it is inherently evil.Every “Item of Power,” in this case those that have a special function and do not just sit in your inventory and look good, consumes Life Essence, whose unit of measurement is “LP.” Generally, 100LP equals half a heart of the player, so it is a good thing to keep in mind when looking at an item.

Because of this utilization of the spark of life found in all living creatures, it is considered evil and has been cast out of normal use. The more arcane magics use the life force of objects and creatures.